Friday, January 4, 2008

Busan and Oeado Island (Day III)

The view we woke up to

Nothing like a good book...but he doesn't seem too enthralled
Waiting for our ferry to Oeado Island


I woke up with the flu that morning which might explain some things.

Palm trees!!! I miss Florida.

I was very disappointed I was too sick to eat's the first time I've eaten there with my family because it is a bit pricy.


Asher, Esther & Emma's Jie Jie said...

pretty pictures! looks like a beautiful place.

sorry to hear you were sick. as far as pizza goes, i'd guess that the korean's also don't add any sauce to their pizza!? i've been to the pizza huts in both china and honduras.. and both times it was a delicious meal of cheese and bread! =)

Catharine said...

Actually, no. Korean Pizza Hut is just as good as the pizza in the U.S. - sauce and everything! The salad bar is a joke, though...