Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Glimpse Into North Korea

Tuesday night, Dad and I had the opportunity to teach English to a class of North Korean refugees. South Korea provides a place for the refugees to stay while they learn how to adapt to life in a developed country. The refugees live in a military compound, and we had to drive through a gated check-point so the guards could inspect who we were. All the men living there have risked their lives to reach freedom, and if they are ever returned to North Korea, they will be killed. All their lives they are taught that America is a horrible place, and they are curious to see if we are as terrible as they have been told. Though I spent most of the time trying to teach my students how to pronounce basic sounds, I was also able to show them a picture of my family. The men were shocked to see how many children we had. Due to the language barrier, there was little I could communicate, but it is my prayer that through our feeble attempts, the Lord can bring some hope into their impoverished lives. Our English lesson was on feelings, and one of Dad's students told him, "I feel happy because I escaped from Kim Jong Il!" It is hard to imagine what life is like for the people living in North Korea. I thought I'd share the following story from The Voice of the Martyrs to help you understand what Christians go through in this country:

North Korea: The Villagers of GokSan
The young, brown-eyed girl looked up at her mother. What would her mother decide?

Earlier that morning, the young girl's mother, their pastor, and twenty-six others in her North Korean village of GokSan were bound and taken before a screaming crowd of Communists.
One of the guards ordered Pastor Kim and the other Christians, "Deny Christ, or you will die." The words chilled her. How could they ask her to deny Jesus? She knew in her heart He was real. They all quietly refused.
Then the Communist guard shouted directly at the adult Christians, "Deny Christ, or we will hang your children." The young girl looked up at her mother. She gripped her hand knowing how much her mom loved her. Her mother then leaned down. With confidence and peace she whispered, "Today, my love, I will see you in heaven."
All of the children were hanged.
The remaining believers were then brought out onto the pavement and forced to lie down in front of a large steamroller. The Communists gave them one last chance. "Deny Jesus or you will be crushed." The Christians had already given up their children; there was no turning back.
As the driver started the heavy piece of equipment, the singing from the villagers started softly. "More love, O Christ, to thee, more love to thee."

It is unbelievable what these Christians are willing to endure out of love for their Saviour. Could I do the same? How can I ever whisper a word of complaint? Pray daily for North Korea; pray that God would give courage to His people there. And pray that we could portray the same passionate love for our Saviour that these people portray. May we sing along with the North Korean Christians:
Once earthly joy I craved, sought peace and rest
Now thee alone I seek; give what is best:
This all my prayer shall be, More love, O Christ, to Thee,
More love to Thee, More love to Thee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that really makes me miss it even more. Going to the refugee camp was the highlight of my trip. Every week I looked forward to seeing those guys. Tip: every week pray earnestly that God would show you how He can use you. Be ready and willing and you will be surprised at what the Lord will do. I will cover you in prayer also!