Saturday, December 8, 2007

REAL Winter

Thursday night, we received an unexpected couple inches of snow. Although it wasn't a lot, it was plenty for us, Florida crackers that we are, to enjoy a morning in the snow. Enjoy the pictures - just realize that FREEZING cold weather accompanies snow! It was funny yesterday at soccer because some of the snow had melted and then frozen overnight into large patches of ice. When the boys would get ready to take a big swing and shoot the ball, swoosh, their legs would fly out from underneath them, and they would completely miss the ball as they crashed to the earth.

I love this picture!

The only problem with sledding is the frequent disasters at the bottom of the hill
Gabe found an old hanbok (Korean traditional outfit) and straw hat near where we were sledding - handsome, huh?
Caroline flies into a pile of bushes


A Fellow Traveler said...

Beautiful Snow! I do miss it. Throw a few snowballs for me!


Asher, Esther & Emma's Jie Jie said...

can you send some of that wonderful white stuff down to the sunshine state? or some of that cooler weather would be nice too..